History of the Wing-It Welding Boot Protector
In the late 80s and early 90s when I first started working as a welder, my feet got burned by falling sparks. The tops of my fairly new boots came apart and hot metal was getting in. So, I had to do something!
I went to the nearest trash can and found an old pair of welding gloves, cut them up and slid them down my laces and went back to work! I literally had to wing it! This is how Wing-It was born. Thoughout the years I kept perfecting this idea, always looking to see if there was anything out there that would work to protect my boots.
In 2012, I finally came up with a design that worked. It would stay in place when you walked and I think it was also quite stylish! A friend recommended that I run a patent search because it was something they would buy! So a patent search was ran and to my surprise, there was nothing remotely out there like it! In 2016, Wing It LLC was established and the Wing-It is currently protected by U.S. patent laws.
During the entire year of 2016, we did market testing with a couple of local welding shops and one online sales outlet, listening to what people had to say. We found that the Wing-It works well in almost all the construction trades, and there was a big interest from the food service industry and a large interest from hunting, fishing and recreational outdoors enthusiasts. With this we have developed a new safety colored line and are currently developing a camouflage line that will be available soon.
Thank you for your interest in our products and revisit us often to see what's new by Wing-It. – Wing-It Inventor, Nick Woods
Made in the USA (and always will be).

Wing-it leather boot covers for welding stops your boots from burning while it deflects welding splatter and sparks. Whether you’re in the hot work trade, construction, or any industry that tortures your workboots, Wing-It boot cover’s patent-pending design keeps molten metal from damaging your boots with a heavy-duty, 5/6 mill leather canopy.
Easy to install and stylish. Wing-It boot covers come in several styles with imprints available and new styles to come: Click here to buy.